好百科首页 > 美国内战第一枪打响的地方:珍贵的美国南北战争照片集


看北朝 2017-12-25 浏览264次

1.This September 1862 photo provided by the Library of Congress shows Allan Pinkerton on horseback during the Battle of Antietam, near Sharpsburg, Maryland. Before the outbreak of war, he had founded the Pinkerton National Detective Agency. In 1861, he famously foiled an alleged plot to assassinate president-elect Lincoln, and later served as the head of the Union Intelligence Service -- the forerunner of the U.S. Secret Service. (AP Photo/Library of Congress, Alexander Gardner)


2.Fort Sumter, South Carolina, April, 1861, under the Confederate flag. The first shots of the Civil War took place here, on April 12, 1861, as Confederate batteries opened fire on the Union fort, bombarding it for 34 straight hours. On April 13, Union forces surrendered and evacuated the fort. Union forces made many attempts to retake the fort throughout the war, but only took possession on February 22, 1865, after Confederate forces had evacuated Charleston. (NARA) #

1861年4月南卡,在邦联旗帜下的萨姆特堡,1861年4月12日,美国内战的第一声枪声在这里打响,邦联炮兵对Union Fort持续狂轰了34个小时,4月13日,联邦军投降并撤离萨姆特堡,联邦军在战争期间一直尝试夺回萨姆特堡,但直到1865年4月22日,邦联军撤离查尔斯顿后才夺回。

3.Yorktown, Virginia, Embarkation for White House Landing, Virginia, Photograph from the main eastern theater of war, the Peninsular Campaign, May-August 1862. (LOC) #

佛吉尼亚约克镇,White House登陆场的卸载行动,摄于1862年5月-8月东部战场的半岛行动期间。

4.A captured Confederate encampment near Petersburg, Virginia, in June of 1864. (Timothy H. O'Sullivan/LOC) #


5.A view of Washington, D.C. from the intersection of 3rd and Indiana Avenue, ca. 1863. In the foreground is Trinity Episcopal Church, in the background, the unfinished Capitol building. Construction on the capitol was briefly suspended early in the war, but continued through the later years. (LOC) #

1863年,华府第三大道和印第安纳大道交界处,Trinity Episcopal教堂前面,背景是未完工的国会大厦,在战争早期曾短暂停工,不过稍后又继续建设。

6.Fortifications at Yorktown, Virginia, during the Peninsula Campaign of 1862. (James F. Gibson/LOC) #


7.A March, 1863 photo of the USS Essex. The 1000-ton ironclad river gunboat, originally a steam-powered ferry, was acquired during the American Civil War by the US Army in 1861 for the Western Gunboat Flotilla. She was transferred to the US Navy in 1862 and participated in several operations on the Mississippi River, including the capture of Baton Rouge and Port Hudson in 1863. (LOC) #

1863年3月 USS埃塞克斯号,一条1000吨的铁甲内河炮舰,本是一条蒸汽动力渡船,美国内战期间被美国陆军西部炮艇队征用,1862年被转调给美国海军,在密西西比河的几场行动中使用,包括1863年攻占巴吞鲁日和亨德森港。

8.The 150th Pennsylvania Infantry camp on Belle Plain, Virginia, is pictured in March 1862, three weeks before the Battle of Chancellorsville. (AP Photo/Library of Congress) #

佛州Belle 平原150宾州步兵团营地,摄于1862年3月,钱斯勒斯维尔战役三周前。

9.Morris Island, South Carolina. The shattered muzzle of a 300-pounder Parrott Rifle after it had burst, photographed in July or August of 1863. (Haas & Peale/LOC) #


10.On the steps of the Tennessee State Capitol building in Nashville, Tennessee, with covered guns (lower right) set up nearby, in 1864. (George N. Barnard/LOC) #


11.Inflation of the Intrepid, a hydrogen gas balloon used by the Union Army Balloon Corps for aerial reconnaissance. The the Balloon Corps operated a total of seven balloons, with the Intrepid being favored by Chief Aeronaut Thaddeus Lowe. (Mathew Brady/NARA) #


12.Stacked cannon balls, possibly a view of an arsenal yard in Washington, D.C. (NARA) #


13.Rebel prisoners waiting at Belle Plain, Virginia, for transportation (Mathew Brady/NARA) #

佛吉尼亚州Belle Plain,叛军战俘等候转运。

14.Wounded soldiers at rest near Marye's Heights, Fredericksburg, Virginia. After the battle of Spotsylvania, in 1864. (Mathew Brady/NARA) #


15.The CSS Stonewall was a 1,390-ton ironclad built in Bordeaux, France, for the Confederate Navy in 1864. After she crossed the Atlantic, reaching Havana, Cuba, it was already May, 1865, and the war had ended. Spanish Authorities took possession, soon handing it over to the U.S. government. (Bell & Bro. Photographers/LOC) #




标题:美国内战第一枪打响的地方:珍贵的美国南北战争照片集 网址:http://www.jrxk.cn/view/107278.html

发布媒体:好百科 作者:看北朝