好百科首页 > 那些差点毁灭世界的老照片:1962年古巴导弹危机等新闻图片


看北朝 2017-11-03 浏览218次

Evidence presented by the U.S. Department of Defense, of Soviet missiles in Cuba. This low level photo, made October 23, 1962, of the medium range ballistic missile site under construction at Cuba's San Cristobal area. A line of oxidizer trailers is at center. Added since October 14, the site was earlier photographed, are fuel trailers, a missile shelter tent, and equipment. The missile erector now lies under canvas cover. Evident also is extensive vehicle trackage and the construction of cable lines to control areas.


Aerial picture taken 09 November 1962 on the Cuban coast of the Soviet freighter "Anosov" carrying missiles in accordance with the US-Soviet agreement on the withdrawal of the Russian Missiles from Cuba. American planes and helicopters fly in at a low-level to keep close check on the dismantling and loading operations, while US warships watch over Soviet freighters carrying missiles back to Soviet Union. (AFP/Getty Images) #


Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro looks over the Sierra Maestro mountains as he revisits the area where his revolution started in this June 1962 photo in Cuba. (AP Photo/Revolucion, Korda) #


During the Cuban Missile Crisis, U.S. Army anti-aircraft rockets sit, mounted on launchers and pointed out over the Florida Straits in Key West, Florida, on October 27, 1962. (AP photo) #


Fiber Drum and polyethylene liner provided by the department of defense office of civil defense for public fallout shelters. Each drum is filled with 17.5 gallons of water which will provide drinking water for 5 persons for 14 days. Photo taken on February 19, 1962. (AP Photo) #


22 Father Luis Manuel Padilla holds a wounded government rifleman shot down in the streets of Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, during a bloody revolt against President Betancourt in June 1962. More than 200 were killed before rebels were beaten. This photo won the Pulitzer Prize for Hector Rondon. (AP Photo/Hector Rondon) #

1962年,委内瑞拉卡贝略港的街道上,一场反对贝当古总统的血腥起义期间,路易斯·曼努埃尔·帕迪拉神父紧紧抱住一个中枪的政府军步兵。直到起义失败为止超过200人被杀。此照片为赫克特·里奥多( Hector Rondon)赢得了普利策奖。

Geisha girl Harukoma (Etsuke's professional name) applies the white make-up that marks the Geisha as she prepares for an evening party with business executives, on July 19, 1962. (AP Photo)

1962年7月19日,艺伎春駒(エツケ的 艺名)为社长们准备的晚会上的表演而给自己画白色的艺伎妆。

Three NASA personnel suited in space-flight restraining gear prepare to climb aboard the Apollo Spacecraft April 6, 1962. This preliminary mock-up model was placed on display April 6, 13 feet wide and 12 feet high, this command module will be the most complex manned flight device ever designed and built for earth orbit and lunar landing. (AP Photo) #


In a room lined with pyramids of foam plastic that absorbs radio energy, engineer Charles A. Haas inspects a model of the Telstar experimental communications satellite at the Bell Telephone Co., lab in Hillside New Jersey, February 1962. (AP Photo) #

在新泽西的山腰的一个房间里,线性排列着吸收射频能量的泡沫塑料金字塔,工程师查尔斯 A.哈斯在贝尔电话公司实验室里检查电星一号实验通讯卫星模型。

US astronaut John Glenn enters into the Mercury "Friendship-7" capsule in Cape Canaveral, Florida, on February 20, 1962, prior to the launch of the spacecraft for the first US manned orbital flight ever. (AFP/Getty Images) #


Astronaut John Glenn, aboard the Friendship 7 Mercury Capsule launches from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on February 20, 1962, sending the first American into orbit. (AP Photo) #


Police and Guatemalan student demonstrators battle in street over possession of a Guatemalan flag as a terrified student, left, runs away, on March 16, 1962 in Guatemala City. Similar clashes occurred throughout the day in this riot torn city. Students were protesting the conservative government of Miguel Ydigoras. (AP Photo) #

1962年3月16日,危地马拉市,警察和示威游行的学生在街上发生冲突,一个拿着危地马拉国旗的学生被吓坏了,丢掉国旗,正在逃跑。类似的情况在这一天,在这个惨遭蹂躏的城市里屡次出现。学生们抗议米格尔 .Y.迪格拉斯的保守派政府。

Double-decker buses circle the Prince Albert statue at Holborn Circus in London, England, in the smog at night on December 6, 1962. The heavy smog, caused by coal-fired heating and burning gasoline in motor vehicles, claimed more than 100 lives in 1962. (AP Photo) #


Parents of students picket Glenfield Junior High School in Montclair, New Jersey, to dramatize their effort to improve education for the school's students, 90 percent of whom are African-American, in Montclair, New Jersey, prior to the school board's decision on August 22, 1962 to divide Glenfield's 182 students among the wealthy suburb's three other high schools. (AP Photo) #


A workman removes a restroom sign at Montgomery Municipal Airport, on January 5, 1962, in compliance with a federal court order banning segregation. However, city officials delayed plans to remove waiting room furniture and close toilets and water fountains. But they said these and the airport restaurant will be closed if there is a concerted integration attempt. (AP Photo) #


本文作者: 肥仔曙



标题:那些差点毁灭世界的老照片:1962年古巴导弹危机等新闻图片 网址:http://www.jrxk.cn/view/97189.html

发布媒体:好百科 作者:看北朝