好百科首页 > 那些战死者与逃亡者的最后影像:美国内战人物群像


看北朝 2017-11-13 浏览141次

A lone grave (bottom center), near Antietam, Maryland in September of 1862. (Alexander Gardner/LOC) #


Frederick Douglass, ca. 1879. Born a slave in Maryland, Douglass escaped as a young man, eventually becoming an influential social reformer, a powerful orator and a leader of the abolitionist movement. (George K. Warren/NARA) #

Frederick Douglass,1879是马里兰州的一名奴隶,Douglass逃跑时还年轻,后来成为一名有影响力的社会活动家,演说家和废奴运动领导人。

An unidentified Union officer, photographed by Mathew Brady. (Mathew Brady/NARA) #

不知名的联邦战士,Mathew Brady.拍摄。

Confederate troops viewed from a distance of one mile, on the opposite side of a destroyed bridge in Fredericksburg, Virginia, by Union photographer Mathew Brady.(Mathew Brady/NARA) #

从1英里外佛里德里克斯堡一座断桥一端看到的邦联士兵,由联邦摄影师Mathew Brady拍摄。

President Abraham Lincoln (center, hatless), surrounded by a crowd during his famous Gettysburg Address, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on November 19, 1863. (AP Photo/Library of Congress) #


General James Scott Negley of Pennsylvania. At the start of the war, he was appointed brigadier general in the Pennsylvania Militia, and went on to command troops in several battles. After his division narrowly escaped disaster during the Battle of Chickamauga, Negley was relieved of command. Negley served several administrative posts, retiring from the army in January of 1865. (LOC) #

宾州的James Scott Negley将军,开战时被任命为宾州民兵准将,在几场战役中指挥部队,后来他的师在Chickamauga战役中逃跑酿成灾难后,被解除指挥权,他担任了几个行政岗位后,于1865年从陆军退役。

Amputation in a Field Hospital, Gettysburg. (LOC) #


A nearly-starved Union soldier who survived imprisonment in the notorious Confederate prison in Andersonville, Georgia. (LOC) #


Nurse Anne Bell tending to wounded soldiers in a Union hospital, ca. 1863. (U.S. Army Center of Military History) #

护士Anne Bell在联邦的医院照料受伤的战士,1863年。

Robert Smalls was born a slave in South Carolina. During the Civil War, Smalls steered the CSS Planter, an armed Confederate military transport. On May 12, 1862, the Planter's three white officers decided to spend the night ashore. About 3 am, Smalls and seven of the eight enslaved crewmen decided to make a run for the Union vessels that formed the blockade, as they had earlier planned. Smalls dressed in the captain's uniform and had a straw hat similar to that of the white captain. The Planter stopped at a nearby wharf to pick up Smalls' family and the relatives of other crewmen, then they sailed toward Union lines, with a white sheet as a flag. After the war, he went on to serve in the United States House of Representatives, representing South Carolina. (LOC) #

Robert Smalls是南卡州的一个奴隶,内战期间他驾驶邦联海军CSS Planter号,一条邦联武装运输船,1862年,Planter号上仨白人军官决定靠岸过夜,凌晨3点,Smalls和其余7个蓄谋已久奴隶船员决定跑到正在进行封锁的联邦那边去,Small身穿船长制服戴着帽子,看上去像是个白人军官,Planter号停泊的时候接上了Small的家人和其他船员的家属,然后驶向联邦封锁线,以白床单作旗,战后成为南卡州的众议员。

Confederate general Stonewall Jackson. Considered a shrewd tactician, Jackson served in several campaigns, but during the Battle of Chancellorsville he was accidentally shot by his own troops, losing an arm to amputation. He died of complications of pneumonia eight days later, quickly becoming celebrated as a hero in the South. (LOC) #


Soldiers of the VI Corps, Army of the Potomac, in trenches before storming Marye's Heights at the Second Battle of Fredericksburg during the Chancellorsville campaign, Virginia, May 1863. This photograph (Library of Congress #B-157) is sometimes labeled as taken at the 1864 Siege of Petersburg, Virginia (LOC) #

1863年5月佛州,第二次钱斯勒斯维尔战役中,在席卷Marye's Heights之前的第六军的士兵。

A portrait of Miss E. Demine, taken by photographer Mathew Brady. (Mathew Brady/NARA) #

由Mathew Brady拍摄的Miss E. Demine肖像。

General George Armstrong Custer, a United States Army officer and cavalry commander in the American Civil War and the Indian Wars. Custer built a strong reputation during the Civil War, and afterwards he was sent west to fight in the Indian Wars. Custer was later defeated and killed at the famous Battle of the Little Bighorn in in eastern Montana Territory, in 1876. (LOC) #


Harriet Tubman, in a photograph dating from 1860-75. Tubman was born into slavery, but escaped to Philadelphia in 1849, and provided valuable intelligence to Union forces during the Civil War. (AP Photo/Library of Congress) #

Harriet Tubman1860-1875年的一张照片,Tubman出生就是奴隶,但她1849年逃到费城,内战期间向联邦军提供了有价值的情报。

Bodies of Confederate soldiers next to Mrs. Alsop's house, near Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia, in May of 1864. (Timothy H. O'Sullivan/LOC) #





标题:那些战死者与逃亡者的最后影像:美国内战人物群像 网址:http://www.jrxk.cn/view/99163.html

发布媒体:好百科 作者:看北朝