好百科首页 > 林肯遇刺案4名共犯执行绞刑的最后一幕:美国南北战争老照片集


看北朝 2017-11-16 浏览89次

Sgt. James H. Harris, a Marylander and member of Company B, Thirty-eight Fifth U.S. Colored Troops, in a photograph taken between 1864-1898. Harris was one of 23 black Union soldiers, who served with such distinction during the Civil War that he received the Medal of Honor. (AP Photo/Library of Congress) #

James H. Harris中士,马里兰州人,第3815有色人种营B连的一员,Harris中士是23名在内战期间表现优异而荣获国会荣誉勋章的有色人种战士之一。

Miss Walton, in a portrait taken by photographer Mathew Brady. (Mathew Brady/NARA) #

Walton小姐像,Mathew Brady拍摄。

Union General Isaac I. Stevens, seated on a porch in March of 1862, near Beaufort, South Carolina. Stevens, formerly the first governor of Washington Territory, was killed in action at the Battle of Chantilly on September 1, 1862 after picking up the fallen regimental colors of his old regiment, shouting "Highlanders, my Highlanders, follow your general!" Charging with his troops while carrying the banner of Saint Andrew's Cross, Stevens was struck in the temple by a bullet and died instantly. (LOC) #

1862年3月,南卡州,Beaufort附近,联邦军将军Isaac I. Stevens坐在门廊下的照片,之前他是首位华盛顿地区长官,1862年9月1日在Chantilly战役阵亡,在战役中,他捡起倒下的团旗,大喊“高地儿郎们,我的高地儿郎们,跟着你的将军!”,高擎着圣安德鲁斯十字旗和部队一起冲锋。他在一座庙里被一发子弹击中,当场阵亡。

Portrait of Brigadier General Robert Huston Milroy, officer of the Union Army. Milroy most noted for his defeat at the Second Battle of Winchester in 1863. He later became Superintendent of Indian Affairs in the Washington Territory. Milroy died in Olympia, Washington in 1890, at the age of 73. (LOC) #

联邦军Robert Huston Milroy准将像,Milroy最为人知的是1863年在第二次温彻斯特战役的战败,后来成为华府地区印第安事务主管,1890年以73岁高龄在华府奥林匹亚去世。

Maryland, Antietam, President Lincoln on the Battlefield Alexander Gardner, October 1862 (LOC) #

1862年10月马里兰州Antietam,林肯总统在Alexander Gardner战场上。

Union Major General Ambrose E. Burnside, conducted campaigns in North Carolina and Tennessee during the war. Afterwards he served as the Governor, and later as U.S. Senator from Rhode Island. His distinctive style of facial hair is now known as sideburns, derived from his last name. (LOC) #

联邦军少将Ambrose E. Burnside,战争期间指挥北卡州和田纳西方面的战役,之后成为州长,再后来成为Rhode Island的美国参议院,他的发型现在被称之为sideburns,就是用他的姓命名的。

John Henry, a servant, at the headquarters of the 3rd Army Corps, Army of the Potomac in October of 1863. (LOC) #


Stage actor and Confederate sympathize John Wilkes Booth, in a portrait taken some time before he assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in 1865. Booth and a group of co-conspirators planned to kill Lincoln, Vice President Andrew Johnson, and Secretary of State William Seward, hoping to assist the Confederacy, despite the earlier surrender of Robert E. Lee. After he shot Lincoln at Ford's Theater, in Washington, D.C., on April 14, 1865, he fled to a farm in rural northern Virginia, but was tracked down 12 days later, and killed by a Union soldier. (NARA) #

舞台演员,邦联同情者蒲斯,在1865年行刺林肯总统前的照片,他和一伙密谋者计划刺杀林肯及副总统约翰逊,国务卿William Seward以图邦联再兴,羞辱之前投降的李将军,1865年4月14日在华府福特剧院射杀林肯总统后,潜逃至北佛州一个农场,但12日后行藏败露,被一位联邦士兵击杀。

Union Major General Mortimer D. Leggett, photographed sometime between 1860 and 1865. (LOC) #

联邦少将Mortimer D. Leggett,1860-1865年间摄影。

John L. Burns, the "old hero of Gettysburg," with gun and crutches, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, in 1863. During the Battle of Gettysburg, Burns, a 70-year-old civilian living nearby, grabbed his flintlock musket and powder horn and walked out to the battlefield to join in with Union troops. The soldiers took him in, and Burns served well as a sharpshooter. During a withdrawal, Burns was wounded several times and left on the field. he managed to get himself to safety, his wounds were treated, and his story elevated him to the status of National Hero briefly. (LOC) #

John L. Burns,“葛底斯堡的老英雄”,1863年在宾州葛底斯堡战役期间,作为住在附近的平民身份,70高龄的Burns抓起他的燧发枪和火药走向战场加入联邦军,联邦军接纳了他,Burns是个很好的精确射手,撤退中,Burn身被数创被落在战场上,他设法到了安全地带,得到了治疗,他的故事一下子把他变成了国家英雄。

A picket station of Colored troops near Dutch Gap canal, Dutch Gap, Virginia, in November of 1864. (LOC) #

在Dutch Gap运河附近一处有色人种部队的监视站,1864年11月,佛州。

Confederate General J.D. Marmaduke in uniform. (LOC) #

身着军服的邦联将军J.D. Marmaduke。

Guards examine passes near Georgetown, Washington D.C., on the banks of the Potomac River, during the Civil War in 1865. (AP Photo/Library of Congress) #


Conspirator Lewis Powell (Payne), in a sweater, seated and manacled in the Washington Navy Yard, Washington D.C. in April of 1865. Powell attempted unsuccessfully to assassinate United States Secretary of State William H. Seward in his home on April 14, 1865. he was soon caught, and became one of four people hanged for the Lincoln assassination conspiracy. (Alexander Gardner/LOC) #

1865年华盛顿海军船坞,阴谋家刘易斯鲍威尔(佩恩)身着汗衫,手戴镣铐坐像,1865年鲍威尔试图在国务卿William H. Seward的寓所中行刺未果,旋即被捕,成为4个林肯遇刺案共犯之一被处以绞刑。

The hanging hooded bodies of the four conspirators, Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell (Payne), David Herold, and George Atzerodt, executed on July 7, 1865 at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C. All four had been convicted of taking part in the conspiracy to assassinate Abraham Lincoln. (Alexander Gardner/LOC) #

四个阴谋家被蒙着布荡千秋,1865年7月7日,Mary Surratt,刘易斯鲍威尔(佩恩), David Herold,及George Atzerodt等四人在华府McNair堡被处决,四人被控参与谋杀林肯。

Union General George Stoneman, in a camp near Fair Oaks, Virginia in June of 1862. Stoneman was a career Army officer, and took part in several campaigns throughout the war. Afterwards, he moved first to Arizona, then to California, where, in 1882, he was elected governor of California and served a single four-year term. (James F. Gibson/LOC) #

1862年6月,佛州Fair Oaks一处营地的联邦军Stoneman将军,Stoneman是位职业军官,在战争中参与好几场战役,之后,他首先移居亚利桑那州,后来到了加州,1882年在那里当选了加州州长并干了一个4年任期。




标题:林肯遇刺案4名共犯执行绞刑的最后一幕:美国南北战争老照片集 网址:http://www.jrxk.cn/view/99732.html

发布媒体:好百科 作者:看北朝